videomondi (videoworld) : abstract
I've just finished a short abstract (italian only) for the "Videomondi - working seminar" we are holding in Urbino on February 9th. The paper will analyse the differences that occours in "in-game" contruction of identity between Interactive (traditional) Videogames and Interaction based (MMORPG) videogames. This working seminar should be a good opportunity to test some ideas, if they seem to work I'll try to fix them on a more complete article where I would like to use the experience we are doing with the Truants guild in Wow.
OII Summer Doctoral Program
It's available the application form for the Oxford Internet Institute Summer Doctoral Program. The program hosted by the Oxford Internet Institute but manged by serveral well known universities (The Annenberg School of Communication at the University of Southern California, the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School and the Creative Industries Faculty at Queensland University of Technology) aims to bring together a small number of PhD students from all over the world to share interest and discuss topics related to Internet Studies. The deadline for application is February 20th. Last year the Summer Doctoral program has been hosted in Beijin (china)... quite far away for me even to think about applying. But damn, Oxford is quite near and if you take a look at these photos (that are from the 2004 edition) you'll discover that these people surely know how have fun and "meet informally".
back in the game
a new year has come.
everyone around me says that 2006 would be a turning year. We will see.
Right now I can say that 2006 would be a Game Year.
This evening I'm joining the first online meeting of a World of Warcraft research guild and on February 8th we are going to organize in Urbino a one-day conference on Videogames: Social aspects and connection to other media (music and movies industries at the first place). It's going to be nice. If you want to join you are welcome.