venerdì, dicembre 23, 2005

Happy Christmas

I'm back home for a couple of days. I whish you all a Merry Christmas.

giovedì, dicembre 15, 2005

success 2.0 sites

It seems that Web 2.0 has become adult. I saw on digg (I digged?) an interesting link to a Mark Millerton article that argues that times has come to stop wowing about everything is 2.0 and to start saying who's really innovating in this field. First 3 are ranked : TravBuddy; Rollyo and TagCloud. All these services are great especially because are a true attempt to make something new using two main forces that are growing with web 2.0 technologies: the power of relations and the "want to be media" phenomena. Travbuddy offer you the opportunity to be a travel journalist...and to offer you "travelogue" linking together something that you like (traveling) to the opportunity to establish social relations. Rollyo and tagclouds are in some way very ambitious projects but are a true attempt to redefine a what search engine are going to be in next years... yes Google (at least as we see it today) won't stand forever.

martedì, dicembre 06, 2005

good works on online ethnography

Online ethnography has quite a long tradition (as long as it can be something related to the online world) and you ca get trough it since Sherry Turkle wrote the well known "Life on Screen". Anyway during last years the Massive Multiplayer Online Games phenomenon has lead to a new rise of interest around this topic. Experiences in complex online world are nowadays quite commons that is possible to run a whole university class working on online ethnographical research. Just take a look to those greats works done by Trinity College students about World of Warcraft from an ethnographical point of view.

giovedì, dicembre 01, 2005


It's online the call for paper for the Second International Conference on e-Social Science that is taking place in Manchester, UK. It sound quite interesting except from the "e-" on the title. First of all the "e-stuff" sounds very outdated now in the 2.0 era... but the main reason is that I simply can't understand what would be the main research topic of e-Social Sciences and why it should be different from (traditional) social sciences. I guess that technologies should be used as an observation field where look for more wider social phenomena. If researchers that are working on e-technolgies are going to research only e-topics we are doomed to obtain just a e-useless e-sociology. By the way... I'm going to ask to my friend FG to present a paper together.