giovedì, settembre 29, 2005

searchable world

It's a lot of time my blog is waiting for a new post, the main reason is that I'm still waiting for my DSL connection at home... well this sound like a poor excuse. by the way a quick post just to link an article on RFID technology real world usage. RFID technology is really amazing if you observe it from the right perspective. If everything (your clothes, your watch, your mp3 player...) could just say "Hey, I'm here..." to a computer it's quite easy to imagine some kind of search engine for the real world. E.g. "Is anyone wearing a red skirt in this building?" A step forward toward a searchable world.

sabato, settembre 17, 2005

help us to watch you(r city)

Ryanne just edited and posted a very interesting video. The video is about a project called that's quite amazing. Everyone that has got a mobile phone with photo capabilities is called to be an extra eye of the New York City Public administration. If you are walking around and you see something that is broken and that should be fixed as soon as possible you simply take a photo and send it (saying where's the place) to the web site. Every citizen can know do his own part. What's funny about that is that in some way people is asked to check the city. a panopticon-style control dimension spread everywhere and we've been asked to help.

lunedì, settembre 12, 2005

complexity and blogosphere

I'm in Liverpool attending at the CSS Conference. This morning durign the Social Theory stream Dennis kingsley made an interesting presentation about Blogosphere. He showed several datas (mostly known) and he stressed how the core of blog reality is not the exibition of the self (that's the basis)but the relational aspect. need to go now...

martedì, settembre 06, 2005

observing the observer

I've just discovered flickr group about Panopticon. That's something really cool for many reason. First of all it's some kind of grass-root observation of the observer. So the question is who is observing who? On the other side I'm always been impressed by Flickr groups, it seems to me that group's pool are places where you can observe some kind of visual semantic (or at least the visualisation of the semantic) born around a specific topic/item/word. You can get it easily looking at the tags that are related to the panopticon group. Tag observation give us some interesting suggestion about where the phenomenon is perceived (most in the US) and about what feelings are related to this: for example security and surveillance seem to be more linked than spy and privacy. think about that.